American Football Field
American footbal player

Mission Statement

The NFL Alumni Tackle Obesity program is committed to leading an initiative that confronts the ​pressing issue of obesity in our communities. Our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to ​achieve healthier lifestyles through education, advocacy, and active engagement.

Obesity is a critical public health challenge affecting millions of Americans. According to the ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 42% of adults in the United States are ​classified as obese. This epidemic contributes to numerous health problems, including heart ​disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, placing a substantial burden on our healthcare system and ​impacting overall quality of life.

Recognizing the severity of this issue, the NFL Alumni Tackle Obesity program is dedicated to ​creating awareness and driving change. We plan to partner with schools, community ​organizations, healthcare providers, and local businesses to deliver comprehensive programs ​that promote healthy eating, regular physical activity, and mental well-being.

Just as in football, teamwork is essential to achieving our goals. By working together and ​leveraging the influence and dedication of our NFL Alumni members, incredible non profit ​organization partnerships, friends, family and members of the community, we will organize ​events, educational workshops, exciting fitness challenges and share inspirational stories. ​These initiatives will empower individuals to make informed choices and adopt healthier ​lifestyles, or as we like to say “tackle obesity”.

Our alumni, much like a well-coordinated team on the field, will share their personal ​experiences and successes to inspire positive lifestyle changes. By serving as role models, ​they can motivate both individuals and communities to join us in this critical mission.

Together, we can tackle obesity head-on and pave the way for a healthier future. Join us in ​this crucial mission to create a vibrant, active, and informed society that values and practices ​healthy living.



Brad Edwards

Chief Executive Officer of NFL Alumni


A simple, yet recognizable, line icon of the Friends logo
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